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Abby Bublitz
I've used pinterest for quite a few years now, and I love it! I can mindlessly spend hours pinning different topics to different boards. I think I like pinterest because it somehow satisfies my ADHD while also making me feel accomplished.

The boards I'm using right now are both personal and professional. I recently bought a Silhouette Cameo to make cards and cut vinyl to make different crafts. I've been pinning a lot of ideas to that board, which will flow over into decorating my new classroom.

The biggest board I'm using professionally right now is my Disney Classroom board. I'm pinning ideas to decorate my room as well as different ideas for behavior charts. We use Zones, and I am trying to individualize charts for each student, while connecting it to our class-wide Disney theme.  Here are a couple examples of pins I've found, as well as a link to the board: