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Pintrest LuAnn Kahle

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Pintrest LuAnn Kahle

I have found two of my friends and I'm following their boards and I'm also following the AEA board as well.
I have sent message in chat and have "chatted" with some friends. I already had an account, but through this I have come to understand the concept of it better and what to do. Before that I didn't understand what was so great about Pintrest and lost interest in it. But now I think I will use it more. I can see using this as an assignment for 5th grade an older to do a board of what they see there future would be like and to make a board of their future and to keep up with it all the way to 12th grade. Before they graduate have them look back on their boards and see if what they envisioned for themselves is what their path leading them towards.