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Pintrest for Teachers

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Pintrest for Teachers

https://pin.it/3R6KIYm- Setting up Centers in a Resource Room.  I chose this because I am a special education teacher and being organized is to the upmost importance.  Creating a learning space where kids and the teacher are comfortable is huge.  I would absolutely love to have centers set up within my room, especially since there is a chance I could have math, reading, writing, and social skills kids all in my class at the same time.  So how do I accommodate for that and make this a successful learning space?

https://www.pinterest.com/pin/28288303903578394/ - Engagement strategies for the students I work with is a huge idea.  How can you teach students to pay attention, look engaged, speak to others, etc?  Teaching multiple strategies from this list may give our students a strategy that works for them.