Post 1 Art Concepts Ashley Gremore

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Post 1 Art Concepts Ashley Gremore

New Learning:
Many of the art terminology words in assignment 2 were new learning to me. It was interesting to see words that I had never heard of. I learned that Lithography was a form of art that involves drawing with greasy crayons or a liquid on a polished slab of limestone, which sounds very intriguing to me.

Many of the elements of art I have worked with or learned before. Primary and secondary colors, shapes, and lines to name a few.

Apply concepts:
Working in the primary grades I will continuously use primary and secondary colors during art lessons that are integrated with the core subjects. In addition to teaching and learning about 2D and 3D shapes- it is important to increase knowledge of vocabulary and I will integrate more of what I have learned in this section into the classroom setting.