Proection-Online Safety

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Proection-Online Safety

John Kvapil
15 posts
I never thought about the fact creating an identity itself as away to protect yourself and others. So to start, I checked my name to see if there are any others. There is another John Kvapil! Question? Would friending with that person protect both of us in case another John Kvapil were created by someone for devious purposes? Also, I have not shared a phone number yet. Does anyone have any thoughts about that? If my account were hacked, would I be able to use my phone to regain control?

I am happy with settings to for the most to be visible only to friends, but I am searchable. In which case, I do get weird friend requests, but I never accept friends unless I am expecting it. Also, if it's something like an old classmate request, I will message first and check their friend list for verification. I am wary of my friends friend list. For example, friending with a parent with students can create a bit of havoc on your facebook privacy particularly if the student has physical access to the parent's device. Kids borrow their parent's phone frequently.

I also change my password frequently.

John Kvapil