RFeading Assignment Take Aways

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RFeading Assignment Take Aways

In the articles we read there was some very good information to take into the classroom. Art is is an excellent way to bridge a students learning. Art is a great way to engage the mind and utilize many different ways of thinking and retaining knowledge. It is also a great way to take a learned concept to the next level for the student by expanding on ideas.
In the classroom I think this can be done in numerous different ways. Perhaps having students explain what they have learned through pictures. For example if they have learned a history lesson, maybe drawing pictures that relate to their reading and lesson. This will allow them to truly visualize the needed material. Another way to incorporate usage of pictures is to provide the picture or drawing and have them explain what is happening based on what they have learned. Drawing is not the only way, their are many different types of art to be explored in the classroom.