Rachel Keber Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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Rachel Keber Inappropriate Use Digital Media

I see many instances of students using technology inappropriately. I am constantly redirecting students who are playing games during class time. There have been a few students that have been caught searching for inappropriate things on the internet and have had their internet use restricted. Another instance was students using google chat inappropriately and the school took off that feature all together for students. Technology can be so useful, but also very frustrating for those who have to monitor the use of it at school.
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Re: Rachel Keber Inappropriate Use Digital Media

J. Simmons
Yes, you are correct technology is a great tool but monitoring our students who use the technology is very time consuming.  I feel like we should have zero tolerance for inappropriate technology use for students.  That way those that are responsible and using the technology appropriately are not affected however, if you are affecting others with your inappropriate use then your use should be restricted until a more appropriate age.  Not sure what to do with adults who are inappropriately misusing the technology or how you could restrict them.  I just really feel like if we were a bit harder on students when there is misuse they may begin to accept the rules of digital citizenship sooner.  Sometimes we are far to lenient or dealing with student inappropriate use at school.  I'm not sure banning them from the computer for a week for an instance of misuse is going to speak much of a message to them.