Reactions to VTS

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Reactions to VTS

Kya Kimsey
What speaks to you?
-I think that art integration is such an important thing for every classroom but in the educationcloset video she talked about the difficulties integrating art into our classrooms because there is so much other things that we are required to do. In kindergarten there is so much we do to integrate art, weather it be singing songs to remember letter sounds or how to spell colors. I did not quite realize that this was art integration but this is something we do every single day in kindergarten. It is so easy to do this in kindergarten because the kids catch on to things so much quicker when using song, dance or art.

Does it give you any ideas?
-I think that becoming more aware of integrating art into my students everyday life will help give them different ways to learn and thrive. Each person learns differently and it is important to show each child all the ways possible and let them decide which way they learn best.
How do you integrate art into your current curriculum?
-As I said before I integrate art into my classroom daily. When teaching my students sounds, numbers, or colors we sing a song for each of these. My classroom is an ongoing song and dance party. When we line up I sing a song and dance. I also try to do a weekly art activity that corresponds with the mentor text that we are reading that week. It was really fun to see the students creative growth throughout the year.

Other reactions?
-I think that arts integration is an important thing that we can use in our everyday lives. It really can help give meaning to things that are meaningless.