Readings from Assignment #3

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Readings from Assignment #3

Molly Holtan
I found all three articles very interesting!  It just proves many of the things I already believed to be true.  I remember when I was younger and my favorite parts of my day was music class and art class.  I was never good at art, but I still LOVED it.  Music class was always my outlet.  I hated science, yet when they related science to music, I fell in love.  I agree with the idea in the article 'Exploring the Benefits of Art in Elementary Education' that arts can be a bridge or a gateway for the multiple intelligences.  Unfortunately, this article also points out that this is a difficult area to test, so therefore, it often gets labeled as a 'special' and deemed unimportant. I am a 'specials' teacher and feel unimportant quite often.
In the article 'How Integrating Art Into Other Subjects Makes Learning Come Alive,' I really enjoyed a part that spoke of how art (and music) is a part of every culture so we all can understand and appreciate those experiences. I like the idea of an arts magnet school.  I find the fact that office referrals were significantly lowered in this school is proof that art integration works.  it would be a lot of a change and much work, but totally worth it!
In the last article "How Arts INtegration Supports Student Learning: Students Shed Light on the Connections," it showed proof from students that what we do as specials teachers, actually works.  There was deeper thinking and thus deeper learning.  This article also gave many examples from students as proof that arts integration works.  Their words are more proof that arts integration is the way to go.