Readings from Assignments

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Readings from Assignments

Kya Kimsey
I completely agree with all three of the readings. I teach kindergarten and my kids express themselves through their pictures and through their art. I loved getting to watch some of their creativity truly shine through in their work. I think that integrating art into the classroom would help a lot of students be able to express themselves in a more true way. As a new teacher it is so hard to get caught up in making sure that your students are proficient. The first article talked about NCLB and how this is pushing teachers to get all students to have passing scores. It is intimidating as a new teacher to try and live up to these high standards that are put in place. There is so much more we could do to help our children if we integrated art and music into our classrooms. Schools need to start teaching future teachers how to integrate art and music into lessons and their everyday lives.