Referring back to the videos, articles, etc. that you read/watched about VTS, discuss the implications and use in your classroom of implementing and using VTS. Add at least one website link, with a brief description about it, that demonstrates a way to use VTS in a classroom.

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Referring back to the videos, articles, etc. that you read/watched about VTS, discuss the implications and use in your classroom of implementing and using VTS. Add at least one website link, with a brief description about it, that demonstrates a way to use VTS in a classroom.

Gary Goins
I have been using VTS strategies in my classroom not knowing the name for doing this. I know that this does build confidence in students when it comes to understanding academics more and allows them a window of success where they feel they can succeed, whether regular ed, special ed, or ELL. I have used this in learning new vocabulary words. I use a note card with four squares for students to write their definition, picture definition, dictionary definition, and a sentence to show understanding of new vocabulary words.

This site helps students to build background knowledge and comprehension skills.