Reinforcing financial literacy in the classroom.

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Reinforcing financial literacy in the classroom.

Janie Houselog
I work with high school students anywhere from grades 9th-12th. To support and reinforce this in the classroom can be done in several ways. I experience students often talking to me about getting a first job or helping parents pay bills in some cases. They are getting to the age where I can see that they take pride in buying things and paying bills.I also find it quite important to know that they should pay themselves, also.
Some students are allowed to spend whatever they make on whatever they want. Some students are encouraged to save their money. Whatever the situation, I think it's important to explain to them how to save, invest, and manage their money.
Another big issue that is talked about in my class along with misconceptions is the price of post-secondary schooling. I encourage students to learn about money because college is a costly investment. Many students do not even know how to fill out financial aid forms or realize that they have to pay back loans. Others don't think they should go to college for fear of not being able to pay loans back.
I want students to be educated about their choices and consequences.