Responsibilities and Norms

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Responsibilities and Norms

Heidi Nicholson
As a pre k teacher most of the time students spend online are video watching and game playing. However, even though they may not be actively using technology themselves as their teacher I can instill a ground base to build their online usage on later in life. I gray rule of thumb to use and teach is that if you would not say it to the person face to face then do not say it online. Just because you can't see the person or group you are talking to doesn't mean you can ignore feelings and respect of others.
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Re: Responsibilities and Norms

Lisa Schmitz
Your rule of thumb, which states that you should not type anything that you wouldn't say in person, is a good and basic one.  I also see you have young children that you teach, and that they use games for learning.  Can you make any good reccommendations?
Lisa Schmitz