Rights and Responsibilities

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Rights and Responsibilities

Melanie Tygart
I feel as though it should be a right of every digital user to feel safe when using technology. That applies not only to safe interactions with others (ie: that what they share will not be used against them) but also to shop online without fear of their identity being stolen. There should be a right to free speech and expression within reason, with the understanding that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it is not okay to bully them for it; articulated, intelligent debates are one thing, but to simply belittle/bully someone is unacceptable. It is the responsibility of each user to control what they can: themselves. Each person needs to be aware of what they are saying and what image they are portraying to those around them. Is it an image they would be proud for a parent or grandparent to see? Is it something that could possibly count against them when applying for a job?