Rights and Responsibilities

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Rights and Responsibilities

Joan Fredrickson
 I have taught internet safety with students and they can provide all the right answers but for some reason they cannot always apply it to their own lives.  Is it peer pressure? A desire to "fit in" with others? that causes them to make poor choices?  How can we teach them in a way that helps them make the right choices?  I think it is important to teach in such a way that they understand that there ARE rights and responsibilities, not just say or do whatever you want, just because you can.
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Re: Rights and Responsibilities

Amy Block
Joan, I can relate to what you are saying by the same way people go to church on Sunday and hear the words of God, but then Monday-Saturday do not apply it to their own lives. What you are explaining is choice, and our free will. Just as there are people who make right & wrong choices in" real lif, there will be people that do the same in the virtual/digital world. So, as educators, we must equip the students with the tools and support necessary to ensure their safety and security as we wonder through this digital age together. How can we do this without modeling our own ethics and values? And, will this be enough? Is it enough in the "real world" when we, as educators try to model our own values and ethics? Expectations need to be made clear and standards need to be set high. Thanks for this rich conversation :)