Road to Success-Wise Financial Choices

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Road to Success-Wise Financial Choices

Jodi Baclet
My sophomore business class attended a Junior Achievement Biz Town.  Here the students participated in creating a budget that comprised of their income,bills, their needs, wants and necessities.  During Biz town the students were given guidelines and financial advice on how to set up a proper budget and how to live within their income. After the class completed the JA Course I then incorporated a more in depth scenario in my classroom.  Each student was teamed up with another individual where they had to work together as a married couple and not only develop but learn to live by a detailed budget. In this budget they not only had to pay household bills (gas, electric, water, ect) but also had to financially prepare for potential drastic income changes. These changes could include broken down vehicle, loss of job, an unexpected baby or having to change homes. For two months each couple was responsible for working, paying bills, and developing a savings plan.  It was not only fun, but very educational watching the students work together and attempt to manage what they will be doing for "real" in just a couple years!