S.A. Borrenpohl

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S.A. Borrenpohl

As the digital world continues to grow and evolve, the free expression of ideas must be upheld as a norm that users can expect in the digital world.  It is with the free exchange of varying ideas that differing perspectives can be shared and discussed freely.  Uniformity of thinking should not be the desired outcome but rather welcoming and encouraging the open dialogue of varying ideas.  Censorship of ideas limits the ability to understand one another an ultimately leads to further divisiveness.  During the process of the free sharing of ideas, users should also expect the norm of civility.  Dialogue must include respectful words, tones, and be free from personal attack and harassment.

Along with the right of free expression and a positive digital environment, users also carry the responsibility themselves to create the environment in which the free exchange of ideas a respectfulness can flourish.
Users should anticipate that not all other users will share their identical opinion and embrace the diversity of thought that exists in our diverse world.  It is possible to engage in relationship and discourse with others with whom we may actually disagree.  The user has the responsibility to engage in active listening while others use their right of free expression.  Likewise, users then have the responsibility to participate in dialogue that is respectful, positive, and free from threats to safety.