School and Home Inappropriate Digital Media

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School and Home Inappropriate Digital Media

Joyce Keeling
Share a time when you or someone you know was the recipient of an inappropriate use of digital media or when you might have used digital media in an inappropriate manner. How did this make you or others feel? What might have been done differently?

As a school librarian or rather teacher librarian, I have come in contact with various real life stories of how local students have used digital media in a wrong way outside of school. Sometimes, they just get caught in a bad move.   These various times has made me feel very concerned. I believe that students do realize what is right and wrong for the most part, but simply do not think that anything will ever happen to them. Also, there is a difference between digital media use at home and at school.
 I have actually got involved with the local sheriff to help out a young teen who got into trouble with inappropriate digital media action at home. Her friends told me at school about what was going on.   It was a very scary situation, but it did have a good ending because of swift action from the local sheriff support. In this situation I do not feel like I could have done anything differently. Of course the student's parents were contacted. I do feel it is important to always include parents,  I do tell the student that I am so concerned that I am feel like their parents need to be involved and then parents are contacted.  I am very concerned and always willing to help.  Digital media can be dangerous, if students are not careful. I can not explain in detail some of those situations, but it is important to educate students to be safe at home and elsewhere with digital media.
Again, I believe that students do realize what is right and wrong for the most part, but simply do not think that anything will ever happen to them.  My students do know what I expect from them with digital media, and they will try not to get caught.  However, it is very easy for me to hit the back button on a computer, and also our wonderful tech guy can easily see what is taking place on school computers at all times. It is virtually impossible to get into bad places at school.  So, I guess that I feel like students are safe at school.  Now, as for home and elsewhere, this means educating and re-educating and caring.