Science Notebook

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Science Notebook

After reading through the material, I found the following commonalities of using a science notebook. All the resources shared that it was important for students to have a science notebook not only to write definitions but to use it as a reference. Using their science notebook as a tool to go back and find information in was a common theme. The notebooks help students organize their thoughts.

I am using a science notebook in my classroom. However, I'm not utilizing it as a tool as much as I could be. It's more for definitions and answering questions.  

I learned that students could use their science notebooks for more than just factual information. Students could use their notebooks to ask their own questions or things they would like to find out. I learned teachers need to lead students to get the best results from their notebooks. I'm already using the science notebooks but I need to help students use them as a tool.

An advantage is that the science notebooks are a tool and more of a basis for inquiry. A disadvantage is that with smaller students it can be difficult.

Science notebooks help students identifying their misconceptions. The notebooks help them build their understanding and process the data.