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Scotti Hagensick -- PLE Symbaloo

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Scotti Hagensick -- PLE Symbaloo

Scotti Hagensick
11 posts
My symbaloo is available here: http://www.symbaloo.com/mix/scottihagensickple

Before I share about the tiles and buttons on my webmix, I was amazed at the ease with which I created my dashboard. While utilizing the technology was simple, considering the resources and tools I learn was more difficult. It certainly took some consideration and time to develop my perspective on how I learn. I thought initially it would be a quick process to discover what sites and resources to place on my Symbaloo tiles but I did need to take a step back and consider them in more depth.

The two sites that I actively create content are Twitter and Teachers Pay Teachers. I am a new Twitter user and have been working on learning this new technology since the beginning of February 2017. I have enjoyed creating content on this site and it has also proven to be a valuable resource for news. I included these tiles because I use them nearly every day.

In addition to my district webpage, I also utilize the AEA 267 site for information about 504 Plans, professional development opportunities and upcoming conferences. As far as learning about 504 Plans, the AEA site has truly allowed me to develop my own personal learning experiences by exploring the content I need, when I need it, and at my own pace. Google Voice and Google Drive were also necessary pieces for inclusion in that I use them daily and they are quick and handy tools for my learning. I love technology that is "at my fingertips" and I can access quick answers on the go.

I also included both the American School Counseling Association and Iowa School Counseling Association main webpages because I utilize these sites often to access the newest information about counseling services, ideas, and news pertaining to relevant legislation. I also access my counseling standards on this site. One dashboard that I utilize is called SCUTA (School Counselor Use of Time Analysis). I included this in my mix because it is an interactive and personalized database documenting how I use my time as a school counselor. I can set curriculum goals and track my progress while evaluating areas for improvement.

Addition tiles I attached include Pinterest, Plickers, the Calm App, PBIS SWIS database and Train Ugly. These apps and webpages help me stay current on PBIS structures and opportunities for my buildings and learn about tracking office referral data. As a counselor, I have interests in growth mindset and mindfulness and incorporate these ideas into my classroom lesson work. Train Ugly focuses on growth mindset lessons, blogs, and articles and Calm is a hands-on mindfulness app that I use in sessions with classrooms, groups, and individual students.

Completing this assignment has allowed me to recognize how much of my learning is done by exploration and experimentation. I love hands-on resources and ones that are quick to access and easy to navigate. I will definitely be accessing this dashboard frequently!
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Re: Scotti Hagensick -- PLE Symbaloo

43 posts
I couldn't agree more. Symbaloo is so user friendly and very visual. I actually considered using it for our learning menus. My only reservation was that I wanted to provide participants with a little information about the resource before they clicked on it. My hopes was that it would make it easier for people to decide if they wanted to include it in their learning paths.

As I think about the next time this course is offered, what do you think? Leave it as is? Put it in a symbaloo? Or maybe do both?