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Sharon Seaton - Symbaloo

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Sharon Seaton - Symbaloo

Sharon Seaton

These are the most common websites I use in my teaching. Teaching in a blended environment gives me flexibility to appeal to a variety of learning styles. The choices I have made give my students many ways to show their learning and appeals to a variety of learning styles. The bottom left corner is a collection of the educational resources I use most often. The bottom right gives students voice and choice as to how to present their learning.  This is just a small list but they are the ones used most often.  The upper right hand corner are some of the ways I deliver content. The upper left are the major ways students communicate with me outside of the classroom and access their class.
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Re: Sharon Seaton - Symbaloo

Sharon the combination of providing students with a variety of ways to access content and giving them choice in how they demonstrate learning are both key factors when it comes to personalizing learning. Thank you for sharing your resources and tools.