Thanks for sharing your vision. I think that you bring up a great point about how teachers would need to be available to students in a variety of formats...not just lecture. These formats could include individual conferencing and small group learning opportunities. It could also involve digital forms of communication, email, social media, virtual meetings, etc.).
I was also interested in your final comment about discipline. In my learning about personalized learning there are very few references to this issue. It is as if to say that a personalized learning environment will eliminate disciplinary issues. While it is hopeful that this is true, there will always be students who want to test limits. (I have a 2 year-old...he's a rockstar kid, but boy he likes to test). So how does one handle this in personalized learning environment? What are the rules? What are the consequences? If kids are involved in experiential learning outside of school, what are the attendance requirements?
I think your idea of having students involved is a great place to start.