34. What social networking site did you explore and what settings in that site should users be aware? Explore other participants thoughts to see if any of them apply to any social networking sites you or your students may be using.
I checked my facebook site. Often defaults on facebook is public, others can post and tag, etc. I have mine pretty locked down. Friends can see my posts. I have review tag (picture or post) before it goes on my wall. I did this because a family member would post not flattering pictures of family events. I at least then would get some say on what was shown on my feed. I even remove my tag, not just not allow on my wall.
Schools use Facebook among other means to communicate information and sometimes departments have their own. It is important to keep it locked down on what people can post to it, maybe even keeping up on comments. People online can quickly turn negative so having privacy is important. It is also important to have social media, because that is a lot of where people get information about their school, etc. It is an easy and efficient way to reach people. Making sure the facebook is maintaining the image it wants to portray is important.