Social Media - DC Internet Safety

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Social Media - DC Internet Safety

M. Andersen
I only have an account for Google + as I occasionally am asked to video school events and post for parents to view.  I rarely use this account, but have noticed that it is becoming more useful since logging in gives me access to more features in Google docs.
When viewing the privacy settings I didn't realize how much information was available to other users.  I noticed that 9 other people (parents and students) had added me to their circles (following) that I was unaware of.  
I do allow others to download my photos and videos, but I made sure that they could not tag me in any photos.  I do not like the idea of complete strangers being able to see a photo and then see my name tagged on it.  There were many items that you can change to make your account more secure and private, so taking the time to make these changes is important but I am guilty of not taking the time and allowing the default settings to take over.