Social Networking - Settings

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Social Networking - Settings

Miranda Adams
What social networking site did you explore and what settings in that site should users be aware?

The social networking site that I explored was Facebook. I often will view my profile as "public" so that I can see what people outside my friends can view. I also have adjusted privacy settings over time to be more strict. I have to "approve" anything that I am tagged in prior to it appearing on my profile. I don't engage in conversations with strangers about topics that could be debated. I don't engage in conversations with people I don't know, period.

One of the settings that I think users should be aware of is knowing that they can restrict who can view every post, even if individuals are your "friends". I know sometimes we feel the need to confirm friend requests from co-workers. I shouldn't, but I often feel bad if I don't. So, I restrict what some people are able to see from my profile. I never post things that I wouldn't want out in public, but sometimes I prefer to keep things more private to my closer friends and family members.