Social Networking

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Social Networking

I explored  Facebook social media site. It is very easy to see other people's Facebook pages if they do not have their settings set to private friends only.  The biggest thing people have to consider is who they want to accept as their friends.   Should their acquaintances be their friends?   Some people have hundreds of "Friends" and each of these "friends" can share your information with their friends. When Facebook suggests people you may know, you can click on their profile and view their personal information, posts and pictures if they don't have their account settings private. Another not so private feature in Facebook is when someone "Tags" you in a photo.  I would want to be alerted if I was tagged in a photo.
 I personally do not have a Facebook account but after viewing the video, I may create an account just so someone else does not create one about me using my information.  A few years back a few students created a "Myspace" account using  administrators at my school information which was pretty bad.