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Deanna Clark

As a middle school science teacher, the majority of the Symbaloos' that you will see, relate to areas of science. The webmix is sorted into categories based on school associated websites for teachers, staff, parents and students, as well as student interactive and information sites. Finally, the sites that I use to find out current scientific ideas, information and breakthroughs that are important to my content. The items that I feel are important for students, staff, parents and teacher which are the  district and grade level websites.  Students frequently use sites like CK12, Youtube, Discover Ed, PHET and Glencoe science.  Lastly the sites I use for information Science Daily News.  I am still uncertain how this would help in the personal learning environment.
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Re: Symbaloo

Great question Deanna. Consider this...A Symbaloo webmix can be designed by the learner so that all of their learning tools are at there fingertips. As students design their learning path, it might be helpful for them to create a "digital" personalized learning environment. This PLE would allow them quickly access all of the content, resources, and tools on their learning path.

Are there other ways to do this? Yes. A student could create a folder in their bookmarks and store it all there. Could a student use Diigo (a social bookmarking and annotating tool)? Absolutely. What about a Pinterest board? Yep. For this course, we chose Symbaloo, but don't feel limited or obligated to use it. If you have a different tool feel free to use it. My only caveat is that you share it with the group.