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For the symbaloo assignment I linked several resources that I use on a weekly basis in my classroom.  I started by linking our district website, which of course provides useful information for our teachers and students.  For the two online sites that I create content on, I chose google classroom and kahoot.  I use google classroom daily to communicate with students, assign homework, and link daily in class activities.  I use kahoot on a monthly basis to create review quizzes and class content.  For my news source, I linked Newsela, which is a great source for middle school students.  For resources that I have my students use, I linked Readworks, which provides excellent online non-fiction articles.  I also linked Tweentribune, which is a resource provided by the Smithsonian organization that has age appropriate articles about history and current events. Other sources that I linked included Pinterest, which has an amazing amount of helpful material for teachers.  I linked Youtube which I use on a weekly basis for short videos.  And finally two sources that I linked help me out tremendously are Stanford Sheg and the New York Times Learning Network.  Both sites share a wealth of information including primary sources and lesson plans, which I find really helpful when searching for a topic to cover in class.
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Re: Symbaloo

Hi Andy,
Can you repost the link to your Symbaloo? I think the one you are submitting is taking me to the Symbaloo homepage.

To get the shareable link you will need to click on the share icon at the top of your webmix (pictured below) and follow the prompts.

Let me know if you have any questions.
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Re: Symbaloo

In reply to this post by AndrewShea
I like the ideas that you gave in your paragraph.