What was new learning for you?
I learned a lot new terms that I wasn't aware of. I used some of these terms while doing art, but I did not know what terms they were called. Some of these terms such as balance, rhythm, unity, value, variety and proportion. It was nice to put a vocabulary word to some of the concepts I see in art and some things that I have personally used.
What was a review?
I know a lot about the color wheel, primary colors and secondary colors. I also new quite a bit about shapes, line, and texture.
How can you apply these concepts to a content area you currently teach?
I am currently teaching math and science. I feel that you can use a lot of these concepts in math. For example line, horizontal, and vertical are use that you can add on a daily basis. We look at patterns everyday in math. Math is consistently uses patterns and this can be taught almost on a daily basis. For science I feel that texture can relate to physical characteristics. The conversations of texture can be used when exploring different objects in the science classroom.