Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

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Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

This post will utilize the lessons that we looked at in the facilitation module.  For this post, you need to do the following:

1. Create a negative statement that a teacher would be tempted to use through virtual communication to a student.

2. Create a needs/benefits statement that changes the negative statement in #1 into a positive.

3. Create a "complaint" that a student would be sharing with you in a virtual class (or the virtual portion of a blended class).  This can be real or imagined, but would be something that require an empathy statement.

4. Create an empathy statement response to #3.  Remember to include all 5 parts of an empathy statement.
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Amy Scherb
Negative Teacher Statement:    
You have not posted on the 3rd discussion board.  

Negative Teacher Statement Reversed to a Positive:
Be sure you have added to discussion board 3 as this will provide as a platform for discussion board 4.  

Student Complaint:  
I couldn’t get the link to open that you included in our assignment

Teacher empathy response:  
Oh my, that must have been frustrating as you were trying to complete your assignment.  I had the same problem when I went back to try out the link.  It turns out I did not include the entire web address.  Thank you for being proactive about this situation to ensure that you are able to complete your assignment.  This issue should now be resolved so you and the rest of your classmates can complete the assignment.  Let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.  
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Matthew Hanawalt
In reply to this post by eabbey
Negative Statement:
You have to use equal signs when solving or it looks like a bunch of scrambled numbers thrown on a page.

The work provided to solve the problem is excellent.  You have all the correct steps and procedures to find the right answer.  I would like you to try to use equal signs when solving.  This helps with communicate so that others are clearly able to see when one statement is equivalent to the next.  It is the mathematical equivalent of using periods and capital letter when writing paragraphs.

The assignment wasn’t posted on Canvas last night.

Oops, you’re exactly right, (student name).  I understand that is frustrating when you wanted to get started on the assignment.  I apologize I did not get it uploaded until later in the evening.  It is my fault and I can give you an extra day to do so.  If this happens again, please send me a friendly reminder and I’ll get it posted.
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

David Christopherson
Negative Teacher Statement:
You have to stop stalling and get to work, you are falling behind in your posting and replies to other students.

Positive Teacher Statement:
Be sure to make some posts on the board. Then tell me what you have thought about posting.

Student Complaint:

I don’t like to make posts so I’m not going to do it.

Empathy Statement to Student Complaint:

I was the same way in high school when I was supposed to write peer reviews in an English class. So I started with small statements and eventually I found out that the other students actually hated it as much as I did. We all learned from each other about how to write reviews. So my suggestion is to start small and ask others how they came over their fear of posting. If others aren’t able to help you, I can be a sounding board for you before you post anything.
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Erin Eckholt
In reply to this post by eabbey
Negative Statement:
  You have not completed your post on Write About this week.  

Positive Statement:
   Posting on this week's questions is important as it will help guide your reading and thinking for the second part of our book.  You will be using your posts as part of your "Aha writing" at the end of the text.  

Student Complaint:
   This book is boring and I don't have anything to say.

Emphatic Statement:  
    I appreciate your honesty about our book.  I understand that sometimes we read stories that don't speak to every reader.  I know that this is not a genre that you appreciate.  I think you might find it helpful if you pretend the story we are reading is a backstory to the characters you love in the graphic novel you are reading.  It may help you relate to the story on a different level.    I would love to have your input on the next book we do.  You know so much about graphic novels, maybe you could help the class understand why you are drawn to them, just as some students are drawn to this novel.  
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Emily Knutson
In reply to this post by eabbey
Negative Statement:  I can see that nobody is responding to discussion posts.

Positive:  Please remember to respond to discussion posts in a timely manner.  Your classmates value your opinions and need your input to create valuable learning experiences.

Complaint:  I can't see the videos you are posting

Teacher Empathy Response:  I am sorry that you are not able to see the videos.  It is frustrating when you cannot see an assignment.  I know that in the past when I have had this problem, I had to open the video in a new window and then I was able to see it.  Try to open the video in a new window and see if that works, if you are still not able to see the videos let me know and we will figure out another solution.  Thank you for bringing this to my attention,  I will make this more clear to all students next time.
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Dana Sanders
In reply to this post by eabbey

1. Create a negative statement that a teacher would be tempted to use through virtual communication to a student.
Do not post only I agree.

2. Create a needs/benefits statement that changes the negative statement in #1 into a positive.
Remember to post a full range of your thoughts. You can agree, but strengthen your post by stating why and pointing out your thoughts. We want to hear them.

3. Create a "complaint" that a student would be sharing with you in a virtual class (or the virtual portion of a blended class).  This can be real or imagined, but would be something that require an empathy statement.
The assignment was not posted.

4. Create an empathy statement response to #3.  Remember to include all 5 parts of an empathy statement.
Sorry, try looking again. You have to click under this particular heading to see it. When you do that, you'll see the assignment. If you have any other questions, just let me know.
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Eddie Mercado
In reply to this post by eabbey
This post will utilize the lessons that we looked at in the facilitation module.  For this post, you need to do the following:

1. Create a negative statement that a teacher would be tempted to use through virtual communication to a student.

Negative statement:  "Your response demonstrates a clear lack of care for this assignment".

2. Create a needs/benefits statement that changes the negative statement in #1 into a positive.

Needs statement: "The response that you gave did not accurately demonstrate your understanding of the assignment, or its purpose in being given.  Can you expand upon your answer to more effectively show your understanding by addressing the specific components of the question posed"?

3. Create a "complaint" that a student would be sharing with you in a virtual class (or the virtual portion of a blended class).  This can be real or imagined, but would be something that require an empathy statement.

"It is too chaotic and distracting for me to work effectively on this content at school.  Students in class are always talking about unrelated things and don't care about how this affects my work.  Can I please only work at home"?

4. Create an empathy statement response to #3.  Remember to include all 5 parts of an empathy statement.

I understand that the environment can be distracting at times, and I fully intend to help decrease the amount of off-task discussion and behavior that you've been experiencing.  What are some ways that I can help make the environment more conducive to your learning?  If I allow you to work exclusively outside of class time for the virtual aspect of the course, then how will you use the time in class?  I just want to make sure that you continue to meet the expectations of the class, even though you might be following a different process than the rest of the class.
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

In reply to this post by eabbey
1. Create a negative statement that a teacher would be tempted to use through virtual communication to a student.
  "Your answer does not answer the question asked.  Did you read the assignment?"

2. Create a needs/benefits statement that changes the negative statement in #1 into a positive.
  "Reading the assignment and question carefully will help you understand what is being asked.  Go back and review the assignment and prompt for help."

3. Create a "complaint" that a student would be sharing with you in a virtual class (or the virtual portion of a blended class).  This can be real or imagined, but would be something that require an empathy statement.
  "I fell on the ice this weekend and cracked my tailbone.  My computer was in my backpack I was wearing and the screen shattered.  After getting out of the hospital, I have been waiting to borrow a computer from a friend, so I am late responding to yesterday's assignment."

4. Create an empathy statement response to #3.  Remember to include all 5 parts of an empathy
  "Oh my gosh!  I'm so sorry to hear about your fall!!  I hope you are feeling alright and can get back to your everyday routine.  Thank you for letting me know and responding as soon as you were able."
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

John Kvapil
In reply to this post by eabbey
1. Create a negative statement that a teacher would be tempted to use through virtual communication to a student.

The work you are turning in shows either a lack of understanding or a lack of taking this class seriously. Can you confirm which is it so that a course of action can be determined for you?

2. Create a needs/benefits statement that changes the negative statement in #1 into a positive.

Hi. I see that you are struggling with the participation levels on-line and in the assignments. Is there anything I can assist you with? I would like to get more information and perhaps find a solution that will work for you and help you with the on-line activities.

3. Create a "complaint" that a student would be sharing with you in a virtual class (or the virtual portion of a blended class).  This can be real or imagined, but would be something that require an empathy statement.

Mr. Kvapil can you please stop giving us so much work at a time. You only give us one day to finish one thing. So please, can you just slow the system down.

4. Create an empathy statement response to #3.  Remember to include all 5 parts of an empathy statement.

Hi *****,

You are doing a great job of keeping up! Don't forget, as long as you doing the best you can you will in no way be penalized for late work or if something doesn't work quite right. We can solve that together.

With that in mind, we do have some work days coming up so it's OK to take the time to understand the material without feeling rushed. Thank you for reaching out and letting me know your concern.

Mr. Kvapil
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Michaela Tinnes
In reply to this post by eabbey
Negative teacher statement:
If you don't start posting responses in the discussions, you are going to fall behind in this course.

Please remember that you should be posting responses for the discussions. This is important because it will help to keep you on track for the course. Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns about posting.

I can't open the documents you have posted.

Empathy statement:
Thank you for contacting me with the problems you are having opening the documents. I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble and I hope we can get it resolved. I have a hard time personally with opening documents sometimes too depending on the software compatibility, so I can relate to the frustration.  If we aren't able to resolve this with just my help, I'd be happy to help you contact technical support to resolve the issue. But let's see what we can resolve on our own first. What programs are you using to open the documents?
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Dan Leete
In reply to this post by eabbey
Negative Teacher Statement
You have not uploaded progress pics of your art project.  Your grade is a 0.

Changed Needs Statement
I see that you e-portfolio is missing progress photos of your drawing.  I am interested in seeing the progress of you drawing.

Student Complaint
I am more of a "go with the flow" person when I draw.  I forget to take progress photos.

Teacher Empathy Statement
I understand that sometimes as an artist we get into a flow during the creative process.  I am the same way when I work on a drawing, painting or piece of pottery.  However, when I finish a project I always like to look back at the original design drawing of a project and how the project developed and changed as I completed it.  I find that if I take a photograph before every work session and at the end, I can see the progress I made that day.  Take the little bit of time to take the progress photos - you will be amazed at the changes throughout the creative process of the project.
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Kim Knapp
In reply to this post by eabbey
1.  Why are you not posting to our discussion forum?  I cannot move  you onto the next lesson if you do not post.

2. I would love to read your comments in our discussion forum.  I am excited to read what you have to say.  Once you have commented I will be able to move  you on to our next lesson.  You are going to love it.

3.  I have finished all of the regular lessons and want to do some enrichment lessons. I cannot get any of the enrichment lessons to open and I really want to get them done today.

4.  Wow!  Good for you, Jason!  I wasn't expecting anyone to get through the regular lessons so quickly.  I am so sorry I didn't have the enrichment lessons uploaded and ready to go.  I know that is was probably very frustrating for you since you are so  responsible about getting your work finished.  I now have the enrichment lessons ready to go for you.  I take full responsibility for not having them ready for you to use.  I will be sure I do a better job of keeping track of how far ahead you are next time. I appreciate the email.  Keep up the good work and thanks for keeping me on my toes:)  
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Marcia Klimes
In reply to this post by eabbey
Negative statement:  Don’t type French words without the proper accented letters in place.

Needs/benefit:  Find the best way to type French accents on your computer.  You might try Alt codes or adding the US International keyboard.  I can help you set that up!

Complaint:  I don’t want to speak aloud in French.   I can’t speak the language well and I’m afraid that I will make mistakes and sound silly.

Empathy:  I totally get that!  I would like you to think of speaking aloud as only practicing the language.  Try not to judge yourself; you are not being tested.   I’m here to help and when I hear that a sound or word isn’t quite right, I’ll tell you and give you lots more chances to do it again.      
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Kevin Hahn
In reply to this post by eabbey
Negative Statement- You did not follow the directions at all!

Needs/Benefit Statement- Now that you are completed, let’s look back at the directions to make sure you didn’t miss anything. I know you want to do your best!

Complaint- I do not want to share my project in front of the class. I get embarrassed speaking in front of people.

Empathy- I totally understand. I was asked to give a speech last year in front of a bunch of people. I was nervous for five straight days. I practiced every chance I got, and I still messed up a little. How about we record you presenting your project during study hall? You can use the extra room across the hall. You can record it as many times as you want. When you are happy with your recording, you can present it to the class.
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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

In reply to this post by eabbey
There are many different types of  Escort in Connaught Place . Some are single and others are working and need a little extra help to fulfill their fantasies. Some escorts will go out of their way to ensure that you’re satisfied with your service.