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Topic #5: Share Your Work

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Re: Topic #5: Share Your Work

Kim Knapp
This would be fun to use in a literacy classroom.  In my 5th grade classroom we do a unit on poetry.  In one of the lessons we create "color poems" and write them on paint swatches.  This unit could be incorporated to help create different poems.
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Re: Topic #5: Share Your Work

Kim Knapp
In reply to this post by eabbey
Google Classroom:


Join Code is: 3yf1uvu

Target Audience: 5th Grade Literacy

Objectives: Students will create simple sentences. Students will create compound sentences. Students will use adjectives and adverbs to make their writing better.

Question:  What would be a fun way for students to edit/revise each other's writing?
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Re: Topic #5: Share Your Work

Marcia Klimes
In reply to this post by eabbey
The lesson that I am sharing is Using the verb être (to be)


1.  My target audience is beginning French students middle school or high school.

2.  The objectives for the lesson are for the students to be able to read, write, and speak the present tense conjugations for all subject pronouns for the verb être.

3.  What suggestions do you have to make the lesson clearer and easier to understand?
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Re: Topic #5: Share Your Work

Marcia Klimes
In reply to this post by John Kvapil
Great job!  I think I'd like to take this!  To answer your question, yes, I think a simple project would be great to add.  Students could get creative while practicing their skills.
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Re: Topic #5: Share Your Work

Kevin Hahn
In reply to this post by eabbey
Here is my blended unit on Story Elements.


1.) My target audience is a 5th grade literacy classroom.
2.) I would like for all students to be able to identify all five elements of a story. I would also like them to identify the five elements in a text they have read. Finally, I would like them to be able to identify the meanings and use the five vocabulary words for the story.
3.) How do you connect with students from other schools?
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Re: Topic #5: Share Your Work

In reply to this post by eabbey
This game is great and fun. If you're bored, play this board game on this platform without downloading or signing up. nytimes crossword