Topics and Hashtags

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Topics and Hashtags

Rebekah Duchesneau
For the moment, I have followed a few political people because I want to keep up with things from different perspectives (for example: Trump, Grassley).

I've also followed a few of the National Geographic profiles (Natl Geo Kids, Nat Geo Wild, Nat Geo Education, etc), as well as Geographic Magazine (not affiliated with National Geographic) because I like their content and feel that it would be good to share with the students if I happened to be teaching on this type of thing.

And then...I subscribed to AEA online, and ELearning Feeds just to see if there was something that might enlighten me about teaching students.

I think it would be fun to develop a scavenger hunt wherein the students would need to research parts of a subject we are learning and then post it to our classroom twitter feed using a specific hashtag for the assignment.

In addition, they could be encouraged to share things that they come across on their own using specific hashtags. There could be a menu of hashtags for the classroom and students could share based on that menu.