Twitter Follows and Trending Topics- Jeremiah Weigert

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Twitter Follows and Trending Topics- Jeremiah Weigert

My first follow was @elonmusk because I had NO idea what the heck "X" is supposed to be. But, according to twitter CEO- Linda Yaccarino @lindayacc- "X is the future state of unlimited interactivity- centered in audio, video, messaging, payments/banking- creating a global marketplace for ideas, goods, services, and opportunities. Powered by AI, X will connect us all in ways we're just beginning to imagine."
 Yaccarino formerly chaired the "Future of Work" task force at the World Economic Forum @wef; After following @wef twitter suggests following the World Bank @worldbank, the International Monetary Fund @IMFNews, and the World Trade Organization @wto.

If Yaccarino's quotation doesn't feel chillingly dystopian enough you can give @Antiwarcom a follow and see that Secretary of State Antony #Blinken has called #China 'Predatory' and 'Problematic' as the US opens a new embassy in the pacific island nation of #Tonga or that US sanctions blocked a #UnitedNations #Earthquake rescue system in #Syria.

I also checked out what was trending and noted that #UFO, & #Ufohearings are hot, as whistleblower David Grusch claims 'non-human biologics' found at alleged crash sites. (according to The Guardian @guardian) Also, #SistasonBET is being celebrated as #Fatimaholics worldwide unite.