Twitter and DECA/Marketing

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Twitter and DECA/Marketing

Matt Hilby
I have experience using Twitter as a coach to relay thoughts and information to groups of people such as my athletes, parents, administration, etc. It's a wonderful tool to get messages across quickly, especially if there short-notice changes. However, I do not have much experience with Twitter as an educator. A year or two ago, I created a Twitter account for my DECA/Marketing a couple years ago (@JeffersonDECA) and it has pretty much been dormant. Upon taking this course, it has sparked me to take a look at how I can use this within my Marketing course to enhance student learning. Though I'm not following many right now, here are a few marketing and DECA accounts I have started following:

@AdWeek - An account that will feature articles about marketers and media
@BrandRepublic - An account that has news on digital and social media as well as marketing and advertising.
@IowaDECA - Our State Organization twitter account
@DECAInc - National Organization twitter account

First two handles could be used to generate ideas and relevant talking points within my class. The second two are a way to connect with other schools and DECA chapters throughout the state and country.