Twitter settings

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Twitter settings

T. Armistead
Looking through the settings on my Twitter account, I notice a few things that users should be aware of:

Username: One of the great things about Twitter is that you don't have to use your real name on your account. Allowing people to connect your account to your actual name is a potential security risk.

Email address: Twitter requires that you put in an email address for your account. I also know that Twitter periodically sends out emails asking for permission to scan my phone contacts to let me know which Twitter accounts are tied to the email addresses in my contacts. This means that people could find you even if your username is a pseudonym! Users should consider setting up an email account separate from their regular one so that they can't be tracked down.

Tweet privacy: Twitter allows users to allow only certain people to view their tweets. If you do wish to use your own name on Twitter, this is one way to keep things somewhat private.

Tweet location: If you allow it, Twitter will post your location with your tweets. This could give someone information about where you are, help to identify who you are, and could even be used to identify when you are not at home (great for robbers!).

Phototagging: Though I didn't realize it, it appears that Twitter lets people tag others in photos. Predators could use this to see what children look like so that they could identify a particular child in public.

These are a few things I noticed that users should be aware of.
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Re: Twitter settings

Lisa Schmitz
good information, thank you