User Rights/Responsibilities

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User Rights/Responsibilities

Emily Otte
I believe that we should have the right to privacy and safety while using digital resources, especially when we are on our own personal devices.  It is a huge invasion of privacy when a person or entity is able to place malware or spyware onto a device to track, spy or steal personal or financial information.  I also feel that businesses should not be allowed to add programs to take in information when the consumer can only be able to not have these programs running on their devices by opting out, rather than having the businesses have a consumer have to opt in for a program.

Our responsibility has a consumer wandering through the digital world, is to be informed to the best of our abilities.
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Re: User Rights/Responsibilities

It is actually very scary that some of these businesses or sites have access to all the things that they do. I worry about this often when I purchase things online. I feel for the older generations who have a hard time understanding this and they are usually the ones who end up getting scammed!