Using Gmail in my classroom

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Using Gmail in my classroom

Sarah Hawkins
Last year in March, after we went to complete distance learning for the rest of the school year, I struggled to make sure that I had included every student in my homeroom in my weekly emails to check in with them. This year, I am going to create a "Homeroom Group" by adding all of my student's contact information into it to easily and effectively be able to email all of them. This will save me a significant amount of time after I have created the group.

Last year, I also used Google Hangouts to teach lessons to students, it worked well but I had wished that I was able to have breakout rooms that I could pop into and out of in order to make sure that my students were staying on task or see if they had questions. I learned that Google recently added a break out room feature recently and figured out how to make that work. I will definitely be implementing that into my classroom this year, if we are required to do distance learning again.