Using Gmail in the Classroom

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Using Gmail in the Classroom

Tamarra Washington
I am a substitute so I don't have a chance to use gmail myself in the classroom, but I do see the benefits of teachers being able to use it.  I know they will communicate with students individually and in groups.  I know they communicate with parents and other staff in the same manner.  I also know that students use it to communicate project ideas in large and small groups.  I have been exploring the prospect of using it to inform my local church membership when there isn't time to wait for Sunday morning announcements.
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Re: Using Gmail in the Classroom

Rosie Coleman
I, like Tamarra would be a substitute teacher, so the manner in which I would utilize email in the classroom would be different than if I were the main instructor.  As a substitute I could utilize it to communicate with the lead instructor and pass along any information to the students and / or parents as instructed.  There might be an occasion where reminders could be sent to students.  While I see many uses for it, I believe it would be on a situation-by-situation basis.