Using Gmail in the Classroom

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Using Gmail in the Classroom

I have discovered that gmail is capable of doing more than I could possibly imagine.  I might use it with my fourth graders to communicate about the class work they have to accomplish, but I am a specials teacher and have K-4 students and many colleagues to correspond with.  The advantage of using labels and filters to sort the e-mails that come from different grade levels will greatly help me be on top of things day to day.  The multi-label feature provides much flexibility to sorting!
As I create groups of contacts for all staff communiques or just by grade level it will be time efficient for me when it gets to program planning.  Using email notifications so I can see as new emails come in, have chat on the right side so I can send a quick message to a teacher after class to stay on top of student support and by putting the calendar on the left, I will be able to see at a glance if there would be a conflict of dates for meetings with other teachers, etc.