Using Gmail in the Classroom

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Using Gmail in the Classroom

Travis Dirks
I have used Gmail for many things in the past with my students, but I would really like to use the chat feature that allows students to chat with one another while working on a group project.  I like this idea because it allows for each group member to be an active participant on the project, plus it makes it more fun and interactive for them.

I also really like the idea of labeling emails.  I set up the label system from the tutorial and think that it will help me better stay organized instead of having to constantly go back and try to sort through emails.

Finally, setting up groups will be beneficial to me.  I will be able to keep students, colleagues, friends, and basketball players separate from one another.  Another great tool to help keep me organized.
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Re: Using Gmail in the Classroom

Donna Dingus
I would love to use the chat for my students. Has anyone used this with first graders?