Using Gmail in the classroom

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Using Gmail in the classroom

Tera Impens
I love the idea of the students creating pen pals with others!  This would be a great thing for the students to really explore some of the aspects of other states (and countries) from a real-person view.  This would touch upon so many different subjects (especially if videos can be shared).  At minimum, students would be able to work on their writing and reading skills (Language Arts) and explore the states and countries around them (Social Studies).  If students in another state or country have access or the ability to video, this would help with other subjects, like Science.  Our classroom has limited resources, and the ability to view another classroom conduct an experiment or show a material would be incredibly valuable.  
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Re: Using Gmail in the classroom

Amy Westerhof
I also think students being able to email each other about classroom assignments, or be in touch with students from other schools/states would be amazing way to learn about different people!