What speaks to you? I really enjoyed the article and videos on VTS. I was amazed at the quality of discussion the students were having. I especially liked how they were supporting their ideas and citing "evidence."
Does it give you any ideas? I would like to find ways to incorporate VTS into my teaching. Thinking of it as visual literacy where students will progress and learn through instruction and practice in a group setting.
How do you integrate art into your current curriculum? Admittedly integrating art is not a strength. In fifth grade I am feeling the push to focus on math and literacy, with not much tolerance given to integrating the arts. I'm sure my administrators would love for me to integrate the arts, as long as the standards are being taught and too much time isn't spent on the arts standards.
Other reactions? I appreciated from the arts integration video that the arts instruction first has to come in the arts classes. It makes me realize that I need to by collaborating with the special area teachers in my building more, to find ways of tying the information that we are teaching our students together.