Wants verses needs

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Wants verses needs

Jay Clover
I to believe this is one of the toughest lessons for youth to learn.  If we can show the simple "math" of purchasing our needs/necessities first, then, and only then,  if there are extra finances remaining we can learn discretionary spending. Too many times we put the cart in front of the horse when it comes to wants verses needs.  Learning the true 'value' of cash, and delayed gratification, should start at an early age.  Our society is predicated upon too much indebtedness, therefore it makes for difficult learning when it comes to wants verse needs.  Often times life lessons come from sports.  When we run a race only one person wins the race.  We all run to win but only one can and does win.  In personal finance we can all be winners.  Just like the race we must practice, participate, and endure to persevere for financial success.
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Re: Wants verses needs

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