You Tube - Sharon Ball

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You Tube - Sharon Ball
I usually do not use You Tube very often. I did review some other class participants suggestions and really liked the Brain Breaks and Read Alouds for different stories. I just finished doing a research project for a certification program, and we were only able to use 1 video source. I am still very interested in how children's play-based learning is important to their brain development for current and future learning in the following grades. Here are some interesting videos:  1. David A Sousa on "How the Brain Learns"  2. Trust the Play-Based Process - with Sally Haughey from Fairy Dust Teaching 3. Brain Based Learning - Eric Jensen  All of these presenters have multiple videos available on the topic.
Since I am currently in between jobs I am not sure if the new district will allow You Tube to be used with Pre-Kindergarten children. I did notice that when I tried to make a playlist for the younger children, that it was blocked by You Tube because of COPPA for 13 and under.
Instead it suggested making a You Tube Kids page. I found out it is only for families and each child gets a page. The playlist isn't able to be saved but all of the videos that I put on the page stay there to be watched again. I am sure there is a way that educators are able to create a page I just haven't found it yet. After more investigating of playlists I learned that You Tube will not block videos being saved if you do not have any identifiers of the age in the title of your playlist. Since the videos are for children and they would be watching together with our class, I feel that safety measures are still being followed.