YouTube - Kalee Hansen

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YouTube - Kalee Hansen

In the past I've only looked searched for information I needed, so subscribing was newer to me. A few channels that I found helpful from reviewing peers recommendations have been:  - The Reading League -  "Our purpose is to increase knowledge
of science-based approaches to teach reading as well as research that demystifies how people learn to benefit the lives of millions of students." - This will be helpful in supporting buildings with their Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for literacy in my role as a School Psychologist. - Therapy in a Nutshell - A licensed therapist that has mental health tool and has taken "therapy skills and psychological research and condense[d] them down into bite sized nuggets of help.

Another way that I'm potentially thinking about using YouTube as a resource would be in my additional role as a part of a leadership team. Having a Channel where we can keep playlists for resources would be helpful. Currently, we are working to support our region (group of AEA staff supporting a specific area) is in more effectively managing and organizing their email. I have started a playlist with videos to help address this need.