Youtube-Sarah Wood

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Youtube-Sarah Wood

I use Youtube a lot in class! Since I teacher a reading strategies class, a story we read is called ¨An Unlikely Friendship¨ which is about an elephant becoming best friends with a dog. After reading the story and doing our activities, the students connected more with the story since I was able to use the Youtube video and give them the visual reference of Tarra and her friend Bella. I also use Youtube while teaching Math strategies as the videos give step by step instructions on how to solve one-step, two-step, multi-step equations that students can take notes over. I also try to incorporate different music into the videos I show to help keep their attention as well.

Youtube has seriously been so awesome to use in a classroom especially during this time of Covid-19. I would encourage all of you who do not have a Youtube channel yet, to get one and utilize it as the students really enjoy it, and it helps them connect to the topic(s) you are discussing.