Youtube is an old and dear friend- Jeremiah Weigert

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Youtube is an old and dear friend- Jeremiah Weigert

There's lots to share here. I'll try to make it brief, but useful.

I taught ESL in Russia for 3.5 years, and Youtube was one of my best friends for ESL and, of course, it's a helpful resource for any subject. But- For ESL it can be incorporated into most all of the major English language skills (Listening, Speaking, Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation and even Reading & Writing.) YouTube's a great tool for all ages (both children and adults love clips from cartoons and films, and for more cogitative adults you can use TedTalks or brief Lectures- great for generating discussion and writing prompts)

Some great Youtube Channels- Of course TedEd. There's some really great brief videos on the history of the English language (as well as language development in general)

For kids, and more relaxed lessons, I also enjoy the "Learn English with TV Series" channel. They use TV series, films, songs, speeches, clips from news etc. They start by showing the clip uninterrupted with subtitles. Then they go through the clip more slowly with explanation of difficult phrases and vocabulary, as well as pronunciation anomalies. Finally they show the clip without subtitles or an explanation and test the learners understanding. It's a fantastic way to break up a period, or reward students with something that's both interesting and educational. You can check their understanding and ask them to write down new vocabulary.
Big recommend.

If you want to get REALLY deep down the linguistic rabbit hole, I can recommend Jackson Crawford. He's a historical linguist who specializes in Nordic languages and has a great video about Grimm's Law, comparisons of Old Norse and Old English, Viking poetry, the "th" sound etc. This one is for Nerds. It's awesome.