dC Intro norms and responsibilities

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dC Intro norms and responsibilities

David VanGroll
I believe that users should have the following rights and responsibilities.  First and foremost the should have the right to privacy and your I formtion protected from others.  I believe this is so important as of know because we have people that patrol the internet for anything they can find that will lead to your information or anything. I believe an example of this is this webpage when I first started taking trainings, I would type and click, now I have to type, click and then select the signs or pictures with caramel etc.  I am happy that my information is being protected by AEA but it is just funny. I also believe that people have the right to earn an income off what they produce and not have it reproduced or stolen because that is their job and lively hold. I don’t walk into someone school and pretend to be them.  I think many of the user agreements as time goes on will be tightened up and people are really going to need to read them closely or get in serious trouble.
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Re: dC Intro norms and responsibilities

Jim Calkins
Two Duke law professors wrote the book on musical rights... in fact a graphic novel presentation of over 2000 of copyright for music, and it is a free download!
