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Sara Krantz
I currently stay home, but will be going back into the classroom in the near future.  Our district uses google and gmail accounts for students and teachers.  It is something I am just becoming familiar with as my own kids begin utilizing it at school and home.  I think it is a wonderful tool for kids to have an email and learn how that mode of communication works.

As a teacher, I could set up groups to share websites that are frequently used in the classroom.
I like that gmail is easy to use and can be used in conjunction with google docs--allowing for sharing of documents.  A child could share a paper for editing or review directly to me and/or another student, if wanted.  I can see the invitation to edit and also respond via gmail, etc.

I also like how gmail could be a one-stop email more using one email address for school and another for home.  I can see using labels and filters to keep both professional and personal email organized.