inappropriate use of digital media

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inappropriate use of digital media

Mary H.
I think that kids easily text or use Snapchat, etc.. because they find it easier than facing people to communicate. This way, however, creates ongoing concern because it is easy to be more abrupt, and often people read the obscured tone in a text which can lead to nasty comments and/or relationship trouble. It always bothers me when kids text something that is meant as a joke, but there is no tone to it, so there is not joke. Students find it easier to call someone out over media, rather than to their face. We are lacking our communication with each other here.
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Re: inappropriate use of digital media

Bill Mueller (Driver's Ed Bill)
I agree with you Mary. Students today are losing their social skills in the face to face conversations people have. They may be to a lot of friends but not as close because they don't interact with these friends personally. I've seen how students get the wrong idea or meaning of what was texted to them. I've tried calling new driving students and they have texted me  back saying "Quit calling me!" or have texted me back in vivid slang!! Then I've texted them explaining who I was and gotten a very sweet response and apology.